Kids Term Enrolments


Choose the class date below that you would like to join.

You will be able to purchase one of the following at the purchase screen:

  • Kids Intro Pass

  • 10 Week Term upfront - $250

  • 10 Week Term weekly debits - $26 reservation fee today + $26 weekly from Week 2-10

  • Family Multi class memberships - just purchase and contact to Share it with your family members.


  • Yes if 12 hours notice is given, otherwise no the class is forfeited.

    1 makeup lesson per term.

    Makeup lessons are subject to availability in a level equal to or less than the enrolled class.

    Makeups expire at the end of term.

  • Yes you can share a multi-class membership.

    Eg. Purchase a 2x week membership if:

    1. You have 2 children attending classes

    2. 1 parent attends weekly class and 1 child attends weekly class

    3. 1 child attends 2 classes per week

  • Start with our Intro level classes, we take everyone through the foundations of aerial (even if you have gymnastics, acrobatics, dance background).

    We progress students when they are ready to move to the next level.